4 hands massage with Willemijn

A 4 hand massage with Willemijn-

Not two hands, but four!

Bewegen als kat massage

Enjoying a massage, you already know that. That wonderful touch. Really taking some time for yourself, being completely in the moment. With delicious smells, nice music and soothing warmth. You feel yourself sinking into it completely, being able to surrender to it completely. What if... it were four hands touching you instead of two? Double the enjoyment!

With a two-handed massage, you can still follow the hands of a masseuse with your attention. With a four-handed massage, this is no longer possible. It ensures that you come even more into your body, can enjoy and feel even more. Being massaged by two women, each with their own energy.

During a tantric massage you can be completely or partially undressed. I massage in a top and shorts. Indicate in advance, or in the moment, what is pleasant for you. A tantric massage with all your clothes on is also possible! During the massages no sexual acts are performed, nor is searching for that which is sexually exciting to you. Sexual energy is part of being human. It may be touched, it may be there. Feel it.

This tantra massage is given by Willemijn and myself. This massage is limited available, once a month a date is set on which we are present together in my practice in Nijmegen. The time is in consultation: at 10 o'clock or 14.00


  • Monday August 26
  • Monday September 23
  • Tuesday October 29
  • Monday November 18th

Check the online agenda for availability, or app to: 0612785612

Also if you would like to be put on a reserve list, so that we can contact you if someone drops out.

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