Witte tantra massage

A white tantra massage -

Relax, enjoy, soft and loving

Lying comfortably on a heated mattress in a pleasantly warm room. The music is playing softly in the background. You are lying there, enjoying the touch. A touch that is given with full attention and a loving intention. You feel it. When your shoulders are massaged, a light groan escapes your lips. Exactly that spot, yes there! It had been stuck there for a while, it felt stiff. And now, now it gets attention, love and air. Wonderful!

A white tantra massage is about loving touch. Your entire body is honored from your head to your little toe. It is often experienced as very relaxing. Sometimes it can be sensual, or feel intimate. You can be there completely, with everything that is there.

A tantric massage is often even more relaxing than a regular relaxation massage. Why that is is explained in
this blog.

You decide whether you want to lie on the mat dressed or (partially) undressed. I myself keep shorts and a top on during the massage. Would you rather be massaged naked? That is also possible.

NO sexual acts are performed during the massage. The lingam or yoni are also not massaged by me. I do NOT look for ways to sexually arouse you. That is not what a tantra massage is intended for. A tantra massage is often confused with an erotic massage (if you google erotic massage you will also end up on my site). You can read the difference between an erotic massage and a tantra massage here.

For me it is about connection, loving attention and being fully present in the moment. Where I see and feel what is good for your body. I follow that. It may happen that you notice that your body starts to move or make sounds automatically. That is completely okay.

It makes a white tantra massage timeless, without a goal and relaxing. It takes you out of your head and brings you into your body. I don't just massage with my hands, my whole body participates. For example, by massaging with my forearms or by using my weight to apply pressure.

The massage is given on a mat on the floor. There are cushions to support your head or legs, for example. Everything to ensure that you can lie comfortably during the massage.

Duration of white Tantra massage, including pre- and post-discussion:

  • 90 minutes €150
  • 120 minutes €180
Schilderij massagekamer
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